Functions in XQuery
Posted by
at3:59 PM
Posted by
at9:00 PM
Labels:ALDSP,data types,XQuery,xs
Before getting in detailed about logical and physical data service, let us understand what is data service and why we need it?
Data Service: its acts as a separate layer for accessing data. It’s a query based layer that facilitates the ability of calling applications to access and manage data. Why we need data service?
Data is everywhere now; we are developing application to maintain the data. That was the reason for the evolution of data base management system. In earlier days, we use to maintain data in the files format. Now we have ORDBMS, and in earlier days we use to do manual coding in C / Java for fetching / managing data. Now we have separate service called DSP – Data service platform
DSP : Data Services Platform (DSP) is the AquaLogic component dedicated to developing and deploying integrated data services. Data services give consumers an easy-to-use, uniform model for accessing heterogeneous, distributed data.DSP significantly simplifies the task of creating and deploying reusable data services. It provides tools and frameworks for rapidly generating physical data services based on existing data sources and for creating view-like logical data services.
AL - DSP uses Service Oriented Architecture and XML Query language. As I described in my previous post, ALDSP has two types of DS – Physical and Logical DS.
Both file ends with extension “.ds” then how the compiler differentiates the physical and logical ds?
In ALDSP (please note I am talking about 3.0 version for ALDSP, wherever I use ALDSP its refer to ALDSP – version 3.0), we have something called annotations. It’s something like meta data that we define in any scripting language.
Example: If we open our physical or logical ds we can see the below annotation tag in the starting of the file.
(:: pragma xds < x:xds xmlns:x=”urn: annotations” > ::)
The above tag is an example for physical DS annotation. Find below for the logical DS
(:: pragma xfl < x:xfl xmlns:x=”urn: annotations” > ::)
Did you find the difference between the two, yes it’s XDS and XFL.For physical is XDS, which means the functions defined in this ds may expose to the web.
For logical, it’s XFL, which means this ds contains only library functions, which can be utilized by other physical / logical ds. Now we are clear about the physical and logical ds, but a physical ds may have both exposed function and non exposed function right?
Yes, physical ds can have both methods which are exposed to web and also a simple utility function. Like public and private methods. Then, how the complier finds the difference between these two? Do we have any change in the method declaration syntax?
NO, we don’t have any change in the method declaration. Both public and private methods have same syntax.
Again annotation helps the compiler to find out the difference between the two.
The following annotation is used before the function starts.
(:: pragma function < f:function kind= “read” visibility= ” public ” isPrimary= ” true ” xmlns:f= “” > ::)
In the above annotation, if the visibility is public, which means that this method visible to the world. We can hit this method using SOAP.
Also a physical ds can have more than 1 public functions. And we can define the default function which needs to be executed if a physical ds is called. This can be achieved by isPrimary=”true”.
If is Primary is true which means that this function is default function in this physical ds.As we all know, we can have only one default function in a ds.
In my next post I will write more about XQuery
Posted by
at12:57 PM
Labels:ALDSP,Bea weblogic,Cognizant,Project,Spring Batch,web service,Weblogic,XQuery
Posted by
at12:45 PM
Labels:Linux,market share,windows XP
1. Paysignet -
The Paysignet payment gateway provides easy to integrate payment gateway processing. But they do not have a physical address for anyone to get in touch. Call Toll Free during Business Hours (10:00 to 18:00 hrs) : 1800-425-4111 . This is the only contact info available on their website.
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Additional Features : Live Chat, shopping cart ready, instant SMS, email, Detailed reports
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Posted by
at10:08 PM
Labels:online payment,payment
The home buying process can seem complicated, but if you take things step-by-step and you know how to choose the right home loan, you will soon be holding the keys to your own home! Ten steps to buying a home Step 1: Figure out how much you can afford. What you can afford depends on your income, credit rating, current monthly expenses, down payment and the interest rate. The calculators can help, but it is best to visit a lender to find out for sure. A housing counselor can help you figure out how to manage and pay off your debt, and start saving for that down payment! Step 2: Know your rights Step 3: Shop for a loan. Save money by doing your homework. Talk to several lenders, compare costs and interest rates, and negotiate to get a better deal. Consider getting pre-approved for a loan. Step 4: Learn about home buying programs Step 5: Shop for a home. Choose a real estate agent, Wish list - what features do you want, Home-shopping checklist - take this list with you when comparing homes. Step 6: Make an offer. Discuss the process with your real estate agent. If the seller counters your offer, you may need to negotiate until you both agree to the terms of the sale. Step 7: Get a home inspection. Make your offer contingent on a home inspection. An inspection will tell you about the condition of the home, and can help you avoid buying a home that needs major repairs. Step 8: Shop for homeowners insurance Lenders require that you have homeowners insurance. Be sure to shop around. Step 9: Sign papers. You're finally ready to go to "settlement" or "closing." Be sure to read everything before you sign! Terms used in Housing Finance
Posted by
at12:14 PM
Labels:Home Loan Tips
If you are planning to buy home, you need to know about home loans processes, troubleshooting and how to choose the right home loan for house that falls within your budget. There are various types of home loans offered by different financial institutions. You need to figure out which type of home loan is beneficial for you. Types of Home Loans Available: Many banks and financial companies offer home loans. But before choosing any home loan option, consider few points as mentioned below. Property Types: You should know more about type of property in lieu of which you seek loan. There are loans offered by banks to Resident Indians and NRIs for ready property, under construction property, self-construction and home improvement. Loan Tenure: The loans provided by financial institution are offered in tenures or period of years. You should check out the tenure for loans available in the market. There are loan tenures available for upto 25 years. No Penalty option - There are also no penalty option offered by few finance companies. In this mode, you can opt to pre-pay up to 25% of your loan every year. Pre-payment is permitted after a minimum of 6 months following loan disbursal. Tax Benefits - You should know the right of your tax benefits on home loans. Resident Indians are eligible for certain tax benefits on principal and interest components of a housing loan under the Income Tax Act, 1961.## List of Premium Banks Offering Home Loans: Always check with a financial home loan expert or financing company to understand home loan processes and to avail the best bargain on your home purchase.
Repayment Options - You need to choose between fixed and floating rate home loans. Many banks and financial institutions will provide you with the option of switching from a floating rate home loan to a fixed rate home loan once a year at no extra cost. But you need to check out the facts first with the loan providing firm.
Posted by
at12:13 PM
Labels:Home Loan
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at1:52 PM
Labels:New Assassins creed 3D s60v3
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at1:48 PM
Labels:Java Games Collection for Sony Ericsson Posted by gopikrishna
You share the sites of your interests with your friends and colleagues. Generally you share them over sites like Twitter, Facebook or via IMs. Well if you like, you can also send a whole webpage to your friend via email. Emailtheweb can help you do it.
You don’t need to sign up to use the service. Just open up the site, go ahead entering the URL and click on “email web page” button. Now you’ll be prompted to sign in using your Gmail Account or if you don’t have one, it gives you an option to sign up for it. Now you’ll see a page for entering email ids of your friends, add subject, notes and send the web page via email.
You can also do it by installing a small tool for your browser. You can download the tool for Google Toolbar and email any webpage right away by clicking on it. Or you can also send a webpage via email by downloading EmailTheWeb addon for Mozilla Firefox.Posted by
at11:36 AM
Labels:webpage via email
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at11:35 AM
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at11:34 AM
Labels:forget password,windows XP
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at11:33 AM
Labels:Google proxy
There are many ways to answer a question like How to Write a Blog Post. There are many web tools available. Some bloggers use blog writing tools like Windows Live Writer, while others use the built in WYSIWIG text editors. Some of the Blog Writing Tools are mentioned below.
1. ScribeFire: ScribeFire is an extension for the Mozilla Firefox that integrates with your browser to let you easily post to your blog: you can drag and drop formatted text from pages you are browsing, take notes, and post to your blog.
2. Windows Live Writer: One of the most popular web tools for writing blog posts from the stable of Microsoft.
3. MarsEdit: Powerful Blog Publishing For Your Mac, which allows you to write, preview, and publish a blog post without a web browser. However it is not FREE.
4. BlogJet: BlogJet is a blog client for Windows that allows you to manage your blogs without opening a browser.
5. Qumana: Qumana features include easy text formatting and image insertion, simple Technorati tagging, and advertising insertion with Q Ads.
6. Elicit: Elicit is a desktop blog client that integrates Web and RSS services from Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Bloglines etc. in one desktop application for the purpose of creating content for blogs. But it is also not free.
7. Ecto: Ecto is a feature-rich desktop blogging client for Mac OSX, supporting a wide range of weblog systems.
8. RocketPost: It is touted to be designed for serious bloggers and business users.It claims to be the only blog editor with WYSIWYG editing, full local editing and full blog import. You have to buy to use it.
9. Thingamablog: Unlike most blogging solutions, Thingamablog does NOT require a third-party blogging host, a cgi / php enabled web host, or a MySQL database. In fact, all you need to setup, and manage, a blog with Thingamablog is FTP, SFTP, or network access to a web server.
Besides all these software and tools to write a blog post, I have recently learned that Word 2007 is also a powerful Blog Writing Tool. I have been using Windows Live Writer to mostly write Blog Posts till now, but I find Word 2007 to be even better in some cases. Word 2007 seems to give you a richer interface.
For instance, with one click, you can insert any of the following into your blog post.
* Pictures
* Shapes
* SmartArt Graphics
* WordArt
* Symbols
Formatting your blog post is much more easier in Word 2007, than in Windows Live Writer. I also found that the speed of Live writer to be slower than Word 2007, both to start and work.
However, the availability of many useful plugins make Live Writer a useful piece of software to write blog post, which is missing in Word 2007. Yet another thing is that Live Writer supports Technorati Tagging while it does not seem to be possible for Word 2007.
You have to first open a new document in Word 2007, and select the option of a Blog Post. When opening for the first time, it asks you to add new blog account, where you enter the URL address of your blog and the username / password of your blog. Thereafter you will know for yourself, how to write a blog post with Word 2007.
Posted by
at11:32 AM
Here are few steps to build up traffic for your blog : · Use lists. · Be topical. · Write posts that need to be read right now. · Learn enough to become the expert in your field. · Break news. · Be timeless. · write posts that will be readable in a year. · Be among the first with a great blog on your topic, then encourage others to blog on the same topic. · Share your expertise generously so people recognize it and depend on you. · Announce news. · Write short, pithy posts. · Encourage your readers to help you manipulate the technorati top blog list. · Don't write about your family members or relatives. · Write long, definitive posts. · Be snarky. Write nearly libelous things about fellow bloggers, daring them to respond (with links back to you) on their blog. · Be sycophantic. Share linklove and expect some back. · Include polls, meters and other eye candy. · Tag your posts. Use · Coin a term or two. · Do email interviews with the well-known. · Answer your email. · Use photos. Salacious ones are best. · Be anonymous. · Encourage your readers to digg,stumble your posts. (and to usefurl and redit) Do it with every post. · Post your photos on flicker. · Encourage your readers to subscribe by RSS. · Start at the beginning and take your readers through a months-long education. · Include comments so your blog becomes a virtual water cooler that feeds itself. · Assume that every day is the beginning, because you always have new readers. · Highlight your best posts on your Squidoo ens. · Point to useful but little-known resources. · Write about stuff that appeals to the majority of current blog readers--like gadgets and web 2.0. Write about Google. · Have relevant ads that are even better than your content. · Don't include comments, people will cross post their responses. · Write posts that each include dozens of trackbacks to dozens of blog posts so that people will notice you. · Run no ads. · Keep tweaking your template to make it include every conceivable bell or whistle. · Write about blogging. · Digest the good ideas of other people, all day, every day. · Invent a whole new kind of art or interaction. · Post on weekdays, because there are more readers. · Write about a never-ending parade of different topics so you don't bore your readers. · Post on weekends, because there are fewer new posts. · Don't interrupt your writing with a lot of links. · Dress your blog (fonts and design) as well as you would dress yourself for a meeting with a stranger. · Edit yourself. Ruthlessly. · Don't promote yourself and your business or your books or your projects at the expense of the reader's attention. · Be patient. · Give credit to those that inspired, it makes your writing more useful. · Ping technorati. Or have someone smarter than me tell you how to do it automatically. · Write about only one thing, in ever-deepening detail, so you become definitive. · Write in English. · Write about obscure stuff that appeals to an obsessed minority. · Don't be boring. · Write stuff that people want to read and share. · Feel free to post your own ideas (satirical or otherwise) in the comments below.
Posted by
at11:28 AM
Labels:traffic to your blog